India and Kazakstan: Economic relationship


  • Д С Таубалдиева Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
  • З E Искакова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
  • Д M Кокеева Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
        45 40


partnership, economic relations, evolution of relations, bilateral documents,


The article is dedicated to study of development of Kazakhstani-Indian relations in the spheres of economic. The article contains materials that have been found from English sources


1 1.Angel Gurría, Klaus Schwab. Competitiveness and Private Sector Development:
2 2. Central Asia 2011. Competitiveness Outlook, OECD Publishing, 2011
3 3. Nirmala Joshi. Geopolitical perspectives on Central Asia. An Indian view. India and Central Asia (classical to contemporary
periods). Editors J.N.Roy, B.B.Kumar. Delhi, 2007. – P. 142.
4 4. K.Warkoo. India and Central Asia. Potential Implications for Power Rivalries in Eurasia. India and Central Asia. Edited P.L.
Dash. New Delhi, 2012. – P. 107
5 5. Kazakstan. International energy data and analysis. U.S. Energy Information Administration. Last Updated: January 14,
6 6. Sudha Mahalingam. India-Central Asia Energy Cooperation // India and Central Asia. Advancing the common interest.
– New Delhi, 2004. – P. 116.
7 7. Lt Col Dhall, Vivek Dhall. India’s Energy Security. – New Delhi, 2013.
8 8.Nirmala Joshi. India - Central Asia Energy Cooperation. India and Central Asia. Edited P.L. Dash. New Delhi, 2012. – P. 51


How to Cite

Таубалдиева, Д. С., Искакова З. E., & Кокеева Д. M. (2016). India and Kazakstan: Economic relationship. Journal of Oriental Studies, 73(3). Retrieved from