Problem of the person and society in the Arab prose (the first half of the XX century)


  • D Т Koptileuova Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        52 53


short story, subject of the person and society, social collision, realism, educational idea.


In the article the problem of mutual relations is examined between a man and society in works of the Arabic writers of the first half of the twentieth century. Where writers come forward for human rights, right on life, happiness, regardless of social origin. Also talked about rich in content and instructive senses of the examined works.


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3 3.ياغي عبد الرحمن .القصة القصيرة في فليسطين والاردن -القاھرة, 1981
4 قعوار فخري. لماذا بكت سوزي كثيرا؟ -عمان, 4.1973
5 5.Ковыршина Н.Б. Проза Иордании. – М., 2005
6 6. Али-Заде Э.А. Египетская новелла. Зарождение и формирование жанра. – М., 1974.
7 7.Али-Заде Э.А. Махмуд Теймур. – М., 1983.
8 8. Джума Х. Палестинская и иорданская новелла в 20 веке. Автореф. канд. дисс. – М., 1973.


How to Cite

Koptileuova D. Т. (2016). Problem of the person and society in the Arab prose (the first half of the XX century). Journal of Oriental Studies, 71(1). Retrieved from