The governmental assistance to Korean NGOs.


  • A. B. Toiglova. Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби.
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non-governmental organizations (NGOs), governmental assistance, financial support,


In response to the growing role of civil society and NGOs, the Korean government has paid serious attention to the voices and activities of NGOs. There are both pros and cons to relations between government and NGOs, but government-NGO relations are gradually being accepted as inevitable. Along such a trend, this paper will review governmental assistance to Korean NGOs.


1 Cho, Hee-Yeon. 2000. The History of Korean NGOs: Fact and Prospect, in Kim, Dongchoon et al., What is NGOs? Seoul:
Arche, pp. 127-156.
2 Park, Jaechang. (ed). 2000. Government and NGO. Seoul: Bobmunsa. Park, Sangpil. 2001. NGO and Modern Society. Seoul:
3 Joo, Sungsoo and Nam, Jungil. 2001. Korea NGO Report 2001. Seoul: Hanyang University Press.
4 [Korea] Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs (MOGAHA). 2001. Participation of NGO Leaders in
Government Committees (Unpublished document submitted to the National Assembly for Auditing). Seoul: MOGAHA.
5 [Korea] Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs (MOGAHA). 2001. White Paper of Government Administration and Home Affairs. Seoul: MOGAHA.
6 [Korea] Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs (MOGAHA). 2001. Registry of Korean Nonprofit Civil
Organizations. Seoul: MOGAHA.
7 http://
8 Kim. P.S 2005. Development of Korean NGOs and governmental assistance to NGOs. Seoul: Yonsei University Press


How to Cite

Toiglova., A. B. (2016). The governmental assistance to Korean NGOs. Journal of Oriental Studies, 68(2). Retrieved from