Experience of Asian countries in terms of children’s social protection and support.


  • D. M. Aikenova. Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева
        54 51


children, social support, Singapore, UAE, Malaysia,


The article presents the experience of Asian countries, particularly Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and Malaysia in the field of social protection and support for families with children. These techniques may be useful for implementation in Kazakhstan.


1 SurvivingtheFirstDay. State of the World’s Mothers 2013.Save the Children. 2013.
2 Иванова И. С. Социально-экономическая география зарубежной Азии. Юго-Восточная Азия. – Учебное пособие. – Москва: Московский государственный университет им. М. В. Ломоносова, Географический факультет, 2005. – 184 с.
3 Website of Singapore government. https://www.babybonus.gov.sg/bbss/html/index.html
4 Website of Early Childhoodof the Singaporegovernment. http://www.childcarelink.gov.sg/ccls/home/CCLS_ HomeParentsSubsidies.jsp
5 Periodic benefits. Website of UAE government. http://www.cda.gov.ae/en/socialcare/SocialBenefits/Pages/periodicbenefits.aspx
6 Tuition fees.Website of UAE government. http://www.cda.gov.ae/en/socialcare/SocialBenefits/Pages/TuitionFees.aspx
7 Other One-timebenefits. Website of UAE government. http://www.cda.gov.ae/en/socialcare/SocialBenefits/Pages/
8 Temporary Housing Rent Service. Website of UAE government. http://www.cda.gov.ae/en/socialcare/SocialBenefits/Pages/
9 Адели в ОАЭ. Сайт учебно-методического центра «Адели» http://www.adeli-metod.ru/global-activity/57-ua /127-uaeoffice.
10 Alternative care for children without primary caregivers in tsunami-affected countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and
Thailand. UNICEF, 2006.


How to Cite

Aikenova., D. M. (2016). Experience of Asian countries in terms of children’s social protection and support. Journal of Oriental Studies, 68(2). Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/540