Methodological bases of research to create a social portrait.


  • A. A. Mustafayeva. Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби.
  • B. Zh. Aktaulova. Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби.
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а portrait, a social portrait, description, status, group,


A social portrait has become widely used in research and in recent years is already beyond the sociology. Compilation of sociological (or social) portrait became necessary not only in the theoretical aspect, but also in practical. The main methods are questionnaires, interviews, online surveys, etc. A carefully compiled social portrait enables briefly describe one or another group of people school or higher education, medicine, religion, nation, state. On the basis of the methodological foundations of drawing portraits and study different methods of a core of a variety of characteristics that describe the material, cultural, gender, demographic situation of portrayed people.


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2 Сове­тский­ эн­цикло­пе­ди­ческий­ словарь­ , 1989.
3 Арон Р. Этапы­ развития­ соци­оло­гичес­кой­ мысли­ / Общ. ред и предисл­ . П.С. Гуре­ви­ча­ . – М., 1992. 4 Сове­тс­кий­ простой­ чело­ век­ : опыт социально­го­ портре­та­ на рубе­же­ 90-х. – М., 1986.
6 Каза­­ко­ва, В.И. Соци­аль­ный портрет­ как объект фе­номе­­но­ло­ги­чес­ко­го анали­за // Вестник­ ННГУ им. Н.И. Ло­баче­вс­кого­ . Сер. Соци­альные науки­ . – 2011. – №1. – С. 32-38.


How to Cite

Mustafayeva., A. A., & Aktaulova., B. Z. (2016). Methodological bases of research to create a social portrait. Journal of Oriental Studies, 69(3). Retrieved from