Transformation of Attitudes Towards Polylingualism In Developing Society (Algeria)


  • G. Y. Nadirova КазНУ имени аль-Фараби
  • G. Seilkhanov КазНУ имени аль-Фараби
        49 42


Algeria, polylingualism, linguistic situation, Arabization, Berber culture.


Algeria today is a social organism which is still experiencing the adverse effects of colonial acculturation aggravation of social relations as a result of unfair policies based on ideological escalation and demagoguery, complex relationships and contradictory representations, causing rifts and conflicts that could undermine social cohesion and national unity. And yet the language issue for a long time will take place in the heart of the problems facing the country.


1 Khaoula Taleb Ibrahimi. L’Algérie : coexistence et concurrence des langues// p. 207-218
2 Algeria. Language Research.U.S. English Foundation Research //
3 Benrabah, Mohamed. «Language maintenance and spread: French in Algeria.» International Journal of Francophone Studies.
Intellect Ltd. Volume 10 Numbers 1 and 2. p. 193-215. English language. doi: 10.1386/ijfs.10.1and2.193/1 Accessible on EBSCOHost
4 Languages of Algeria. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia//


How to Cite

Nadirova, G. Y., & Seilkhanov, G. (2016). Transformation of Attitudes Towards Polylingualism In Developing Society (Algeria). Journal of Oriental Studies, 67(1). Retrieved from