Chinese: Myths and Reality


  • F. N. Daulet Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        57 69


Chinese, Chinese characters,


The author talks about common myths about the Chinese language and analyzes the genesis of these myths. PRESENTS hieroglyphic, Chinese phonetic system, which are the most difficult parts to study.


1 Solntcev V. M. Introduction to isolating languages . Moscow, Publishing Company «Eastern Literature Academy of Sciences», 1995, – 352.
2 Zhao Aiguo, Jiang Ya Ming, Pragmatics and linguaculturology, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2003, page -359.
3 Second Language teaching, Ethnic Publishing House, 2011, page -298.
4 Quik spoken chinese, Beijing Language and culture University Press, 2007.-257 pg. (in Chinese).
5 Business spoken tutorials. Beijing , Beijing Language and culture University Press, 2012.-318 pg. (in Chinese).
6 Shen Xiaolong, Chinese and Chinese culture, Fudan University Press, 2003, 350 p. (in Chinese).
7 Daulet F. N. Practical Chinese course in 3 parts ( handwritten ) (in Chinese).
8 Dauletova F. N. Cultural linguistics comparative phraseology Chinese
9 Kazakh languages Almaty “ Kazakh University “ 2000 -180 p. (in Kazakh).


How to Cite

Daulet, F. N. (2016). Chinese: Myths and Reality. Journal of Oriental Studies, 65(4). Retrieved from