Sufi influence on mysticism (in the case of India)


  • М. Kurmangazykyzy Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • D. M. Kokeyeva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        58 38


mysticism, philosophy, medieval, islam, sheikh,


this article discusses the place of sufism in india and its impact, which concerned the mystical life of india. the main attention is drawn to the orders, and sufi. sufi theme continues the historical period in the literature, which is the spiritual basis of the trend values. because the issue is much needed research topics sufi literature. since sufism during the worldview that recognizes india, the article focuses on its place in the worldview, the historical situation, the spiritual life of the hindus, reflected in the works of sufi who lived in the middle ages.


1 Masse a. islam. – M., 1962.
2 bertels e.e. sufism isufiiskaya literature. – M.
3 habib M. hazrat amir Khusrau of Delhi. – bombay, 1927.
4 Nizami Kh.a. the life of shaikh Farid-ud-din Ganj-i-shakar. – aligarh, 1955.
5 Pigott s. Doistoricheskaya india. – london, 1961.
7 shimmel a. Mir islamskogo mistysisma. – M., 2000. – 414 s


How to Cite

Kurmangazykyzy М., & Kokeyeva, D. M. (2016). Sufi influence on mysticism (in the case of India). Journal of Oriental Studies, 64(3). Retrieved from