Typology of female characters in Chinese literature


  • A. A. Kenzhebaeva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        56 79


image, style, portrait, comparison,


this article provides a complete analysis of the typology of female characters in Chinese literature.


1 yuefu. iz drevneh kitaiskih pesen. – M., 1978.
2 sol zherden karagez
3 alekseev v. М.Kitaiskaya literature. – M., 1978.
4 lisevich i.s.Drevnekitaiskaya poema. – M., 1969.
5 sol zherden karagez
6 bahtin b. zametki o lirike shenyue.– istoriko-filologicheskoe issledovanie. – М., 1974.
7 Юэфу. Из древних китайских песен. – М.– Л., 1959.


How to Cite

Kenzhebaeva, A. A. (2016). Typology of female characters in Chinese literature. Journal of Oriental Studies, 64(3). Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/466