The place of al was cared by ahmad's ibn in the arab linguistics


  • B. A. Atabay Əл Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан, Алматы қ.
  • A. Al Huli Əл Азһар университеті, Египет, Каир қ.
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classical Arab linguistics, Arab leksikogrfiya, grammar, Arud, system of terms,


The work of an outstanding expert on Arabic linguistics century Al-Khalil ibn Ahmad is considered in this article. "Kitab al-ain" Dictionary and al-Khalil ibn Ahmad‘s tractate "Kitab al-arud" have always been recognized by expert on Arab studies. Scientists have proven that al-Khalil ibn Ahmad had other writings such as "Kitab al-nagm", "Kitab al -iqa‘,"Al-Manzuma fi an- nahu". "The first two books are similar in content to "Kitab al-arud." An articulate grammatical term system was developed in the tractates" Al-Manzuma fi an- Nahu". It is available in the "Kitab al-ain” tractate.


How to Cite

Atabay, B. A., & Al Huli, A. (2016). The place of al was cared by ahmad’s ibn in the arab linguistics. Journal of Oriental Studies, 61(4). Retrieved from