Geopolitical situation in Central Asia and China


  • D. K. Turkpenova Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        64 240


relations, communications, energy, energy relations, investment and cooperation


This article discusses the problem of the relationship of the Chinese National Republic and countries of Central Asia. China’s interests in relation to the countries of Central Asia in geopolitical, economic, cultural, etc.. Development of China’s relationships in petroleum and other natural resources, the formation of appropriate transport infrastructure for export in the Chinese direction of industrial raw materials, as well as the increase in imports considered state of industrial goods and services.


1 August 1. 2003 Radio Free Europe, Kazakhstan Cooperation Agreement With China
2 Песков Ю.С. «Проблемы и перспективы сотрудничества Росси и Китая со странами Центральной Азии - членами СНГ»// Проблемы Дальнего Востока. 1997. №3. С. 58.
3 Shi Ze. «Situation in Central Asia and Transcaucasia and its prospects at the threshold of the new century» // Marco Polo Magazine. No. 3, 1998. бет 44
4 Г.Д.Бессарабов, А.Д.Собянин, “Транскаспийского проекта”
5 Нефтегазовая вертикаль. 1999, № 2-3.
6 Финансово-экономический вестник нефтяной и газовой промышленности. – 2000, № 4.
7 Омаров Нур Мэлсович, Copyright 2000 «КонтиненТ»
8 ШЫҰ-ның ресми сайтының және Kazakhstan Today


How to Cite

Turkpenova, D. K. (2016). Geopolitical situation in Central Asia and China. Journal of Oriental Studies, 67(1). Retrieved from