Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the CFM OIC in 2011 and the current problems in the Arab-Islamic world


  • B. Zh. Aktaulova Əл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан, Алматы қ.
        47 44


Arab-Islamic world,


The author is dealing with the actual problems of the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the context of Arab revolutions. The reasons and the consequences of the events of the «Arab spring» were analyzed. The author made an attempt to estimate the executed actions of Kazakhstan as the chairman of OIC.


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2. Ihsanoglu calls on Islamic States to give more//
The International Conference on Jerusalem. 26-
27 February, 2012. Doha, Qatar. OIC Journal,
May-August 2012, P4-9.
3. Абилов О.А. Казахстан и Организация Ислам-
ской Конференции // Круглый стол «Перспек-
тивы председательства Казахстана в ОИК»
4. Республика Казахстан законом от 21.02.2012
№ 570-ІҮ ратифицировала Устав Организа-
ции Исламской конференции (ОИК), совер-
шенный в Дакаре 14 марта 2008 года// Zakon.
5. 38-сессия СМИД ОИС в Астане //newskaz.ru/
6. www.newskaz.ru/politics/ 20110909/ 1875901.


How to Cite

Aktaulova, B. Z. (2016). Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the CFM OIC in 2011 and the current problems in the Arab-Islamic world. Journal of Oriental Studies, 59(2). Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/358