Formation of a quantitative system in China


  • R. O. Dossymbekova Əл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        54 189


numerology, Pythagoras, the number, the sky, the earth, a sign, a digit, a Taoist, a planet, Unicorn, Phoenix, Pangolin, Babylon,


This article reviews the history of numerology in ancient China. It considered detailed and separately the numbers 1 – 10, also provides defi nitions and examples. We give a general description of the history of numerology in China based on studies of scientists and thinkers. It makes history of Chinese numerology complemented by accurate and interesting information. Keywords:


1 Lizhi Jiang.Shen mi de shuzi. – Shanghai:
Shang wuyinsheguan,1999 nian. – 487 б.
2 Liuqing Long. Shen hua shuzi. – Beijing:
zhishichubanshe, 2003 nian. – 256б.
3 Huang Hua. Shuzi de yi yi. – Beijing: Beijing
daxue chubanshe, 2000 nian. – 298б.
4 Wang Wei. Shuzi zai zhong guo. – Shanghai.
Huadongshifandaxuechubanshe, 2000nian. – 501б.
5 Li Xue. Shuzi de wen hua. – Jilin.
Jilindaxuechubanshe, 2002 nian. – 756б.
6 WangqiaoPeng. Shuzi li de zhong guo wen
hua. – Beijing. Tuanjiechubanshe, 2005 nian. – 609б.
Р.О. Досымбекова


How to Cite

Dossymbekova, R. O. (2016). Formation of a quantitative system in China. Journal of Oriental Studies, 60(3). Retrieved from