Energy cooperation between India and Central Asia


  • M. B. Asanbaev КазУМОиМЯ имени Абылай хана
  • B. T. Baimenov КазУМОиМЯ имени Абылай хана
        46 44


the nuclear power industry, oil and gas,


This article focuses on the role of Central Asia in the energy security policy of India. Energy is an integral part of the economy and foreign policy of any country.


1 New Theme, New Delhi, January-February 2006. – P. 7.
2 The Asia Time, 29 June 2002 and Stephan Blank, The India-Iranian Connection and its Importance for Central Asia, Eurasianet, 3/12/03.
3 Gidadhubli, R,G. Oil Politics in Central Asia, Economic and Political Weekly, January 1999.
4 http://www. claws. in/index. php?action=master&task=432&u_id=57
5 Vivek S. Raj. Understanding the Foreign Policy of India. Of yesterdays, present and years to come. New Delhi, 2011
6 www. economictimes. indiatimes. com, Krishna discusses TAPI gas pipeline project with Turkmenistan.
7 http://www. fpa. org
8 www. thaindian. com, Nazarbayev to sign indo Kazakh civil nuclear agreement.
9 www. livemint. com. Uranium deal NPCIL to ink pact


How to Cite

Asanbaev, M. B., & Baimenov, B. T. (2016). Energy cooperation between India and Central Asia. Journal of Oriental Studies, 62(1). Retrieved from