Formation history of tantric texts, their role and importance


  • D. M. Kokeyeva Əл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан, Алматы қ.
  • N. Ali Қарағанды қазақ-түрік қыздар лицейі, Қазақстан, Қарағанды қ.
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religion, philosophy, the Pantheon, Shactism, Tantra, matriarchy, Puranic era, Bellatrisric era, lyrical explanation, Shiva, Parvat, Kali,


This article is said about famous Indian mother goddess pantheon Shakti. And also it is considered social role’s of pantheon Shakti in Indian mythologies and at this time stage era use high point, climax of source.


1 Пахомов. Тантрический путь. – М., 2002.
– Стр. 88.
2 Sh. Subramunsvami. Shakti bhag ke bare me
kia djante hein? – New Delhi, 2003. – Р.319.
3 Dr. Bhodraj Dvidevi. Bhagvan ka prasad
kion charhaenge? – New Delhi, 2006. – Р. 152.
4 Kapil Kakar. Secrets of Success. – Delhi,
2005. – Р.95.
5 Mahesh Sharma. Kia kehte hein puran?
– New Delhi, 2006. –.Р. 214.


How to Cite

Kokeyeva, D. M., & Ali, N. (2016). Formation history of tantric texts, their role and importance. Journal of Oriental Studies, 60(3). Retrieved from