The effective methods of teaching Chinese literature


  • D. А. Madiyev Əл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Алматы қ.
        56 50


Chinese literature,


In this article considers the most effective methods of Chinese literature teaching on the example of Kazakh National university’s faculty of Oriental studies and also there is given the row of offers on students self studying.


1. Богданова О., Леонов С., Чертов В. Методика
преподавания литературы. – М., 1999.
2. Методика преподавания литературы / под
ред. О.Ю. Богдановой, В.Г. Маранцмана – М.:
Владос, 1995.
3. Методика преподавания литературы: учебник
для студентов / под ред. З.Я. Рез. – М.: Про-
свещение, 1985.


How to Cite

Madiyev D. А. (2016). The effective methods of teaching Chinese literature. Journal of Oriental Studies, 58(1). Retrieved from