Anime and Japanese: potential improvement of teaching meth- ods on the basis of preliminary survey


  • Akhapov Y.A. КазНУ имени аль-Фараби
  • Baubekkyzy Z.
        15 9


Japanese anime and manga is considered as an integral part of Japa-
nese popular culture. In recent years, it began to spread widely throughout

the world. Especially, it has a significant impact on the youth identity in
the selection of foreign language and increasing the motivation of students
to study Japanese language. Unfortunately, this issue has not been studied
in Kazakhstan yet. The article discusses the results of a preliminary survey
for students to improve the methods of teaching Japanese language with
Japanese anime and manga, and analyzed the views of the respondents.
Key words: Japanese language, anime, questionnaire survey, teaching
methods, 日本語 nihongo, アニメ anime, アンケート anketa, 教授法


How to Cite

Akhapov Y.A., & Baubekkyzy Z. (2024). Anime and Japanese: potential improvement of teaching meth- ods on the basis of preliminary survey. Journal of Oriental Studies, 76(1). Retrieved from