The Political aspects of Kazakh-Turkish Relations (1991-2007)


  • A.A Aмирбек Қ.A. Ясaуи aтындaғы ХҚТУ Еурaзия ғылыми-зерттеу институты
  • A.Е Сериккaлиевa Әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы Қaзақ ұлттық университеті


In twenty five years, the Kazakh-Turkish political relations have grown
into a strategic partnership. The strategic partnership is based on a stable
political relations. In this context, it is important to not be limited to the
classical concept of the alliance, but rather to analyze the political partnership between the two countries on the basis of a much deeper and more
critical concept of partnership. First of all, Kazakhstan and Turkey share
common historical roots and culture. This has contributed to a correct understanding of mutual political interests of the two countries and enhancement of the relationship to the level of a strategic partnership. Currently,
both countries are strengthening the strategic partnership, basing many
issues in the Eurasian region on common political principles.
Key words: Kazakhstan, Turkey, Russia, multilateral foreign policy,
strategic partnership.



How to Cite

Aмирбек A., & Сериккaлиевa A. (2024). The Political aspects of Kazakh-Turkish Relations (1991-2007). Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 21–26. Retrieved from