Features of economic texts translation from Chinese into the Kazakh language


  • Елтaевa М. КазНУ имени аль-Фараби
        52 57


The paper considers basic definitions of “discourse” while  translating official-business texts. On    the example of economic texts in Chinese, was given the analyze in detail the four groups of signs of institutional discourse (constitutive, institutional, specificity, neutral), describes the differences in lexical structures used by speaker, depending on the intentions of a certain economic sector communication. It was distinguished the features of economic, official-business texts translation from Chinese into Kazakh, classifies the difficulties in translating the texts and outlines key conditions required for translation. One of important condition for successful translation of official-business and economic texts is the analysis   of the source text.

Key words: Chinese language, discourse, institutional signs of economic discourse, translation, official-business translation.


How to Cite

М., Е. (2019). Features of economic texts translation from Chinese into the Kazakh language. Journal of Oriental Studies, 83(4). Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/1187