Two-Stage Funeral Rites of Japan as a Cultural Model


  • Ш. Т. Сaудaнбековa Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
  • М. Р. Югaй Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
  • К. М. Бaткaловa Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
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This article deals with the two-stage funeral rites of Japan. The funerary rite of certain people reflects the whole composition of religious ideas. A detailed study of the two-stage funeral ritual reveals new approaches to the study of Japanese culture and allows a deeper understanding of the concept of a person and his posthumous fate, the concept of  spiritual essences, i.e. those aspects that form the basics of any culture, as well as many customs and rituals


How to Cite

Сaудaнбековa Ш. Т., Югaй М. Р., & Бaткaловa К. М. (2018). Two-Stage Funeral Rites of Japan as a Cultural Model. Journal of Oriental Studies, 85(2), 146–152. Retrieved from