The image of exemplary woman in medieval korean literature: based on the composition “Sleep in a jade pavilion”


  • У. А. Амирбековa Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
        68 68


The composition discusses the influence of literary and artistic models to the moral and humanistic
characteristics of medieval korean women. The matter of women and standpoint to the women in the
world of Korea in the middle Ages was one of the most difficult questions at that time. Versatile images of
women gives us an opportunity to understand the special features of korean ethnos. Through analyzing
the composition “Sleep in a jade pavilion” by unknown author, we tried to depict the national concept
of the confucian ideal image of woman.


How to Cite

Амирбековa У. А. (2018). The image of exemplary woman in medieval korean literature: based on the composition “Sleep in a jade pavilion”. Journal of Oriental Studies, 85(2), 154–161. Retrieved from