Khivan Historical Manuscripts of the 19th-the Early 20thCentury


  • Ж. М. Тулибaевa Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
        66 167


This article is based on the research some of Khiva historical works. The surviving Khivan narrative
sources due to their content and diversity of facts have a special place among manuscripts of the Central
Asian region. In the works of Khiva historiographers are contained comprehensive data on the history
of the nomads, including Kazakhs that inhabited the territory of the Khivan khanate and its neighboring
countries. The Khivan historical manuscripts contain data specifying the tribal structure of Kazakhs of the
Khivan Khanate as well as their settlements.The article is written in framework of realization of project
No.AP05132796 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


How to Cite

Тулибaевa Ж. М. (2018). Khivan Historical Manuscripts of the 19th-the Early 20thCentury. Journal of Oriental Studies, 85(2), 140–145. Retrieved from