Influence of Confucian values on the economic development of South Korea


  • Б. Ж. Тaшкенбaевa Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
        73 83


This article examines some of the factors in the Confucian tradition that have affected the economic
success of the Republic of Korea. The teaching of Confucius was the main teaching, which had a great influence
on the formation of Korean consciousness, the behavior of the system of thinking and way of life
for thousands of years. In the 60s of the twentieth century, it played an important role in the economic
development strategies of the state. The traditional political system in Korean society allowed the state to
pursue a strict social policy. The special hard work, special hard work, endurance and mobility of people
at that time made a great contribution to the economic achievement of South Korea.


How to Cite

Тaшкенбaевa Б. Ж. (2018). Influence of Confucian values on the economic development of South Korea. Journal of Oriental Studies, 85(2), 132–139. Retrieved from