Conceptual basis of economic and business culture of PRC


  • К. Ш. Бaйсұлтaновa Ablai khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages
  • Б. Мaулит Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and Word Languages, Kazakhstan
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This article covers the concept of business culture and analyzes the peculiarities of China’s economic  and business culture. The authors have analyzed the relationship between Chinese traditional culture
and modern Chinese economic and business culture. The influence of Chinese CNPC traditional cultureon the Chinese business culture has been studied.


How to Cite

Бaйсұлтaновa К. Ш., & Мaулит Б. (2018). Conceptual basis of economic and business culture of PRC. Journal of Oriental Studies, 85(2), 72–78. Retrieved from