Comparative analysis on excerpts about Desht-i Kypchak from Al-‘Umari’s and Al-Kalkashandi’s essays


  • З. С. Ильясовa L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan,
  • А. Т. Айгумусовa L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
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In this article, comparative analysis on excerpts from Al-‘Umari’s essay “Masalik al-absar fi mamalik
al-amsar” and Al-Kalkashandi’s “Subh al-a‘sha fi kitabat al-insha” was being considered. These works
are the important sources on the history of Desht-i Kypchak. In the excerpts the state Desht-i Kypchak, its
geography, way of life, economy, the military order of the Kypchaks and the social status of the Kypchak
women are described.


How to Cite

Ильясовa З. С., & Айгумусовa А. Т. (2018). Comparative analysis on excerpts about Desht-i Kypchak from Al-‘Umari’s and Al-Kalkashandi’s essays. Journal of Oriental Studies, 85(2), 60–66. Retrieved from