Mass culture of Japan


  • Л. Т. Бaлaкaевa Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
  • Ж. Увaлиевa Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
        60 173


This article is devoted to this phenomenon of recent decades as the mass culture of Japan. Nowadays,
the Japanese mass culture, preserving its unique national characteristics, increasingly invades the
world cultural space and begins to form the style of a new generation in both the West and the East
countries. The article deals with such manifestations of Japanese mass culture as anime and manga,
which have become Japan’s specialty all over the world. Also shown are various subcultures: suqueban,
tekhnokozoku, yankee and bosozoku, kol, ganguro, manba, kigurumi, lolita, decora. In article paid more
attention to the trend of “kawaii”, the elements of which are found in Japan everywhere, in large companies
and in small shops, in the government and in municipal institutions.


How to Cite

Бaлaкaевa Л. Т., & Увaлиевa Ж. (2018). Mass culture of Japan. Journal of Oriental Studies, 85(2), 35–42. Retrieved from