Club activities in the modern Japan


  • Л. Т. Бaлaкaевa Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
  • А. Жaнузaков Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
        63 445


This article is devoted to a little-searched problem as activities of clubs in the modern Japan. The
peculiarities of the Japanese education system are considered in the article, since the activities of clubs
are closely linked with education. The categories and types of Japanese clubs are shown: bukatsudou,
kurabu katsudou, sakuru katsudou. Differences in the work of clubs at various levels of education are
revealed: from the junior school to the university. A special place is given to the school council, which
manages the activities of the clubs.


How to Cite

Бaлaкaевa Л. Т., & Жaнузaков А. (2018). Club activities in the modern Japan. Journal of Oriental Studies, 85(2), 17–24. Retrieved from