Translation of proper names in the monograph by Su Beihai “The History of Kazakh Culture”


  • Н. Мухaметхaнулы Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
  • Г. Кaнaт Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
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The article comparative analysis of translation of proper names in the book by Su Beihai “The History
of Kazakh Culture”, which was translated into Kazakh in Kazakhstan and China. The use of different
types of translations was analyzed, such as mixed translation, semantic translation and loan translation
that are used in the translation process; solutions for the full preservation of the original contents were
investigated. The performed comparison helped to identify the processes of formation of the difference
in the use of terms accepted by Kazakhs from Kazakhstan and China. The author gives a personal opinion
that such a phenomenon is associated with different principles of transcription, which are used for proper
names and terms in Chinese. It is concluded that this problem can be solved by using the Latin alphabet.


How to Cite

Мухaметхaнулы Н., & Кaнaт Г. (2018). Translation of proper names in the monograph by Su Beihai “The History of Kazakh Culture”. Journal of Oriental Studies, 84(1), 187–191. Retrieved from