The number «two» and dual concepts in Chinese linguoculturology


  • Р. О. Досымбековa Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
        54 42


This article analyzes the national-cultural aspect of the number «two» in the Chinese linguoculture by
comparative analysis in Kazakh language, as well as the national outlook and similarity in cultures of both
countries. Also, some of the known linguistic scientists and Russian sinologists give their determinations
to the number «two». There are many examples of the number «two» concerning phraseological expressions
and equations related to the various etiquette units of the modern Chinese people’s ethnoculture.


How to Cite

Досымбековa Р. О. (2018). The number «two» and dual concepts in Chinese linguoculturology. Journal of Oriental Studies, 84(1), 149–155. Retrieved from