Uighurs of Kazakhstan: historical destiny and its poetry


  • Ш. Д. Буркитбaевa Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
        56 41


The article deals with the movement of Uighurs from their historical homeland to Kazakh lands, to
the Chinese empire or to the murders of the Russian Empire, violence and poetry of the great destiny of
the Uighur people. The works of Uighur diaspora poets, who are living in independent Kazakhstan, are
criticized for their lack of respect for historical attitudes


How to Cite

Буркитбaевa Ш. Д. (2018). Uighurs of Kazakhstan: historical destiny and its poetry. Journal of Oriental Studies, 84(1), 138–141. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/1070