On the Strategy for Development of Western Regions of PRC


  • Н. Мұқaметхaнұлы KazNU
  • Е. Серғaзы KazNU
        59 32


In the first part of the article, the socio-political reasons for the implementation the development
strategy of the Western regions of the PRC, the time and stages of implementing the strategy are determined.
The projects of the PRC government on development of the Western regions, financial issues
and general provisions of the project implementation are considered. In the second part of the article,
the development policy of Xinjiang is considered as part of the development strategy of the Western
regions, legislative acts, plans, amounts of funding, the goals pursued and the results of development to
date. The article notes that the decrease in the water volume of Transboundary Rivers is unprofitable for
Kazakhstan, nevertheless, that the development of the Western regions of the PRC, especially the social
and economic development of Xinjiang, is very beneficial for Kazakhstan.In the first part of the article, the socio-political reasons for the implementation the development
strategy of the Western regions of the PRC, the time and stages of implementing the strategy are determined.
The projects of the PRC government on development of the Western regions, financial issues
and general provisions of the project implementation are considered. In the second part of the article,
the development policy of Xinjiang is considered as part of the development strategy of the Western
regions, legislative acts, plans, amounts of funding, the goals pursued and the results of development to
date. The article notes that the decrease in the water volume of Transboundary Rivers is unprofitable for
Kazakhstan, nevertheless, that the development of the Western regions of the PRC, especially the social
and economic development of Xinjiang, is very beneficial for Kazakhstan.


How to Cite

Мұқaметхaнұлы Н., & Серғaзы Е. (2018). On the Strategy for Development of Western Regions of PRC. Journal of Oriental Studies, 84(1), 68–74. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/1059