The features of modern business culture of Japan


  • Э. М. Кaгaзбaевa candidate of Political Science, Kazakh Ablai Khan UIR and WL, Almaty,
  • Б Б. Бaктыбековa 2master of Kazakh Ablai Khan UIR and WL, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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In the given article were investigated the features of modern business culture of Japan. The uniqueness
of Japanese culture is explained through historical peculiarities of development, height density of
population, driven by geographical position and specific of Japanese language. Cultural and historical
values which influence on business culture of Japan were analyzed. Authors came to conclusion that
disability of Japanese people to exchange and adopt elements from other culture, while preserving the
national cultural heritage by their own, strengthened in them a sense of of their own exclusivity. Japanese
business ethics is inextricably linked with the culture of the country and the ethnopsychology of
the Japanese people.


How to Cite

Кaгaзбaевa Э. М., & Бaктыбековa Б. Б. (2018). The features of modern business culture of Japan. Journal of Oriental Studies, 84(1), 46–53. Retrieved from