The development of prose in Tunisia during the French protectorate


  • D Т Koptileuova Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        49 35


a new Arabic-language literature, small prose, educational objectives, the social issues.


The origin of Arabic literature of the new Tunisia dates back to the second half of the XIX century. and is closely linked with the growth of social and economic reforms in the country, formation of national consciousness of Tunisians. The most widely received genre of the short story, the base of which is connected with the names of Zein al-Abdin al-snus, Muhammad әl-Bashrush Mahmoud Bayram al-Tunisi, Ali al-Duadzhi and others.


1 Пантучек С. Тунисская литература: Краткий очерк.– М., 1969.
2 Ализаде Э.А., Асадуллин Ф.А., Прожогина С.В., Юнусов К.О. Литература Туниса. – М., 1993
3 Левин 3. И. Развитие арабской общественной мысли.– М., 1984.
4 Манашу Мухаммед. Фукаха маджлис әл-қада. – Қысас.– Тунис,
1972, №1 (араб тілінде).
5 Аль-Джабири Мухаммед ас-Салих. Тунисская новелла: Ее зарождение и зачинатели. – Тунис, 1977.
6 Ибрахим Ридуан. Ат-тагриб бил әдәб ат тунуси. – Тунис, 1977 ( араб тілінде).


How to Cite

Koptileuova D. Т. (2016). The development of prose in Tunisia during the French protectorate. Journal of Oriental Studies, 73(3). Retrieved from