Preconditions of formation of the spiritual concept of India (based on outreach R.Tagor)


  • А А Mustafayeva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • Д М Kokeyeva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби


India, England, English, education, educator, school.


Appeal to the international experience, namely the East and Indian experience in educational activities is a unique opportunity to compare with domestic experience, revealing at the same time similar and distinctive hand. R.Tagor is a poet, writer and educator of India, made its significant contribution to the Indian education system. Not to mention its priceless literary work, R.Tagor could spend a synthesis of Western and Eastern education, where each direction is distinguished by its originality. For the Indian thinker who was educated in India and England, to draw parallels and to emphasize the positive aspects of that, and another, and subsequently set up the country's school meets all the requirements of Indian society, including the absence of caste and genetic discrimination, the study of traditional Indian sciences, languages of India and England, history and culture of India, has become an integral part of his life.


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